Have you ever wondered why your business doesn’t always reflect the wisdom you possess? Frustrated that you can’t seem to achieve sustainable results? As many business people know, but few admit, “business as usual” isn’t working. Business models, strategies, and trends are evolving. We are in a major transition period from the unsustainable single bottom line mindset of profit at any price, to the new sustainable mindset of people, alignment, profit, and the planet. The mindset of entrepreneurs, leaders and employees within an organization must adapt and evolve.
Welcome to Conscious Enterprising!
-Will Zanders, Retired Lawyer & Law Enforcement Officer
Conscious Enterprising™ is the extraordinary evolution of business strategy and practices where intention and alignment increase personal and professional effectiveness. Typically our results in business are a representation of individual and collective subconscious beliefs. However, rarely is this realized and discussed. The majority of change initiatives focus on the external business environment and fixed measurement systems rather than investing in the conscious alignment and internal individual belief systems, which is what initiates decisions, drives behaviors, actions, and results.
As an entrepreneur or small business owner we are often aware of what to do, why it is important, and how to do it and yet struggle with doing it. Have you ever wondered why the majority of skills-based training and motivational programs produce temporary changes – and why, after the initial boost of inspiration and excitement, you’re back to business as usual? Because the catalyst of behavior change is subconscious belief.
If we are getting results that we don’t want, then we must access and transform the underlying beliefs to create the Identity we do want. These beliefs are usually subconscious and they represent a powerful influence on human behavior. Beliefs are often the result of life long “programming.” Therefore, we will work together to understand how beliefs are formed, identify self and collective-limiting beliefs, create new empowering belief statements, and transform your mind using the PER-K® process. I will work with you to evolve and expand- aligning your purpose, mission, vision, values with the subconscious beliefs required to support it. This will ultimately lead to a fulfilling new reality and the achievement of repeatable results. It is a life changing experience!
PER-K® is a simple non invasive and effective way to address mindset change at the subconscious level of the mind. PER-K® activates Possibilities, focuses Energy congruently, and produces repeatable Results – which is the Key to sustainable success. It is an easy and effective way to change self-defeating behaviors by changing the self-limiting mindsets that drive them. The process is designed to create a balanced identification with both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This “whole-brain state” is ideal for reprogramming the mind with new self-enhancing beliefs, reducing unwanted stress and helping you to access your ‘full response potential’ in meeting your goals. It is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind. Transformation occurs in as little as 3-5 minutes. It supersedes affirmations, will power, and positive thinking. You will be amazed at the results!
In the majestic human body is an electrical system or network that is pure energy. In this energetic system the subconscious mind is like a human computer. It records everything and knows exactly what we need to heal and thrive. Because this system is interconnected with the muscular system, anything that disrupts or causes stress to the subconscious will cause a split second “short circuit” in which muscles will “weaken.” Using your muscles, we can communicate with your subconscious mind and find what events, thoughts, emotions, or even people “weaken” or “strengthen” your body. This process is called applied kinesiology, but is often referred to as “muscle testing.”
Attraction Marketing Elite™ provides expert Social Media marketing strategies. Social Media today is about providing value and consistently connecting with your target audience – inspiring, educating, and entertaining them. After completing the Conscious Enterprising™ workshop or online course it’s time to unleash greatness, differentiate your business, stand out online, and attract your target audience. Reimagine digital marketing through innovative digital marketing strategies and “scroll stopping” content.